InfoStores Property (Session Object) 

The InfoStores property returns an InfoStores object representing a collection of available message stores. Each InfoStore object contains a root folder object. Read-only.



Data Type

Object (InfoStores object)


You can access public folders through the InfoStores collection. The public folders are maintained in their own InfoStore object that is distinct from the InfoStore object that contains the user s personal messages.

When you know the unique identifier for the InfoStore object, you can also call the Session object s GetInfoStore method.

For more information, see the reference documentation for the InfoStores collection and the InfoStore object.


' from the functions Session_InfoStores, InfoStores_FirstItem,

' and InfoStore.Name

'   make sure the Session object is valid...

Dim objSession as Object         ' Session object

Dim objInfoStoresColl as Object  ' InfoStores collection

Dim objInfoStore as Object       ' InfoStore object

' assume valid Session object

    Set objInfoStoresColl = objSession.InfoStores

    If objInfoStoresColl Is Nothing Then

        MsgBox "Could not set InfoStores collection"

        Exit Function

    End If

    If 0 = objInfoStoresColl.Count Then

        MsgBox "No InfoStores in the collection"

        Exit Function

    End If

    iInfoStoresCollIndex = 1

    Set objInfoStore = objInfoStoresColl.Item(iInfoStoresCollIndex)

    If objInfoStore Is Nothing Then

        MsgBox "error, cannot get this InfoStore object"

        Exit Function


        MsgBox "Selected InfoStores " & iInfoStoresCollIndex

    End If

    If "" = objInfoStore.Name Then

        MsgBox "Active InfoStore has no name; ID = " & objInfoStore.Id


        MsgBox "Active InfoStore has name: " & objInfoStore.Name

    End If


See Also

InfoStores Collection

InfoStore Object14IU0EN